ERO Report

The purpose of ERO’s is to work alongside schools to give parents, whānau and the wider school community assurance about the quality of education children and young people receive. We began our partnership in 2023 and here you will be able to download their report, which was an incredibly pleasing report to receive. 

The report identifies the following key strengths of our school:

  • ākonga experience a school learning climate that is consistently positive and culturally responsive, promoting their engagement through respectful relationships 

  • learner progress and achievement outcomes are equitable and excellent for all ākonga and are supported through teaching that is relevant, challenging and meaningful

  • the school has sustainable, high levels of professional capability and collective capacity to continually improve and innovate

  •  the board effectively scrutinises its own and the school’s performance in achieving equity and excellence to inform planning and resourcing for ongoing and sustained improvement

  • rich and extensive community consultation informs the school’s strategic direction, capturing the views and aspirations of ākonga, school staff, parents and whānau.

DOWNLOAD the latest ERO report